Steps to get approved

Who needs to be approved as a volunteer?

Anyone who will be on the field with children (manager, coach, umpire). Also, team parents, practice helpers, scorekeepers, must be approved. Full approval is NOT required to work the snack shack.


I'm not on the approved list. How do I know which items I'm missing?


E-mail the background check director, Theisha Rush at


How do I get approved as a volunteer?



There are 3 primary requirements to become an approved volunteer; a background check, fingerprinting and a Little League Abuse Awareness training. The background check and abuse training are required each year. The fingerprinting is only required once ever for Willow Glen Little League. Note that fingerprint records are not shared between organizations, so your fingerprint from a school or other sports league, it does not count for WGLL.

Here are the steps to get fully verified:

  1. Register as a Volunteer on the Sports Connect website. You may have done this when you signed up If you did not do this during registration, you must do so now to become a cleared volunteer (Use the "Register Myself" function on Sports Connect).
  2. Complete the Background Check via the email sent to you by JDP (after registering on Sports Connect).
  3. Get Fingerprinted. This is NEW for 2025. Everyone will need to do it, but then (unlike JDP) you won't need to do it again. The easiest time to get fingerprinted will be at Evaluation Day. The plan is for the Verify Group to be at WGLL on January 25th from 8am-12pm. You bring your government-issued ID, fill out a form, and get fingerprinted. If you attend the league sponsored fingerprinting on evaluation day, the league will cover the fee! If you miss the evaluation day, you can go to the Verify Group office and you will need to cover the cost of fingerprinting (~$25). The address is: 262 E Hamilton Ave Suite A, Campbell, CA 95008
  4. Complete the Abuse Awareness Course and Upload Your Certificate. Complete the course at Abuse Awareness Training Course. You will be e-mailed a PDF certificate of your completion. To be in compliance with the league, you must upload the certificate into your profile. In your Sports Connect profile, go to My Account -> Volunteer and find your roles & certifications. Click the small pencil icon. Scroll to the bottom and find the place to upload "Training Certifications" and upload your certificate. Please upload the certificate for all of your roles. For example, if you see roles for Team Manager, Umpire, and Volunteer, please upload the document for all of the roles.
  5. Get approved by the Background Check Director. The background check director will review your documents and add your name to the approved list. If you have any questions, please contact

2025 Approved Volunteer list

Updated 2/2/25 

This includes JDP (background check) and AAJC (fingerprints), but not Abuse Awareness yet.


Arias, Tony

Avila, Josh

Bacon, Christa

Bacon, Ryan

Baez, Alex

Baez, Jasmine

Bartel, Josh

Basso, Chris

Cardenas, Jon

Christensen, Justin

Ciabattoni, Stephen

Clarin, Ben

Cook, Garrett

Daniels, John

Davis, David

Decker, Rachel

Dinga, Carl

Edgerly, Connella

Feldman, Aaron

Fernandez, Robbie

Ghasseminezhad, Arash

Greene, Michael

Harris, Brandon

Hernandez, Michael

Hollywood, Matt

Holt, Casey

Ibarra, David

Jones, Justin

Laskowski, Jaime

Leiker, Chad

Leong, Brian

Lerner (Fromm), Emily

Lou, Kris

Mass, Braeden

McClain, Jerry

McGann, Katie

Morris (Neveras), McKenzie

Melendez, Sarah

Munoz, Allen

Parico, Gian Carlo

Perkins, Tiffany

Needham, Tim

Rahn, Brett

Rush, Theisha

Saber, Jake

Saign, Mike

Settle, Steve

Sheble, Yazmin

Shumate, Liz

Shumate, Michael

Staubli, Jolon

Stefani, Matt

Swasey, Tyler

Taylor, Matt

Tellez, Brian

Tuttle, John

Veroneau, David

Way, Ted

White, Catherine

Wilcox, Matthew

Willis, Aaron

Winkelman, Benton

Woosley, Clay