february 3, 2024 (Rescheduled again)
Below includes the updated times for Saturday, Feb 3. All evaluations will take place at the WGHS Turf Football Field.
This information is specifically for players that have signed up for WGLL and is a Little League 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12. You are automatically assigned to the correct pending team for your age group in Teamsnap, based on the birthday you entered for your child. You can also confirm your child's LL age using this chart.
What is the schedule?
8:00 - Little League 12s (Willow Glen High School Turf Football Field)
9:00 - Little League 11s (Willow Glen High School Turf Football Field)
10:00 - Little League 10s (Willow Glen High School Turf Football Field)
11:00 - Little League 9s (Willow Glen High School Turf Football Field)
4:00 - Little League 8s (Willow Glen High School Turf Football Field)
What is the purpose of Evaluation Day? Do we need to attend?
Great questions! Yes, we really need you there. Please refer to your child's Little League age to learn more about why...
- For our 12s.... Evaluation Day helps the Majors managers prepare for the Majors draft.
- All 12s should be drafted to a Majors team, unless the parent/guardian specifically asks to move to AAA for serious safety concerns.
- For our 11s... Evaluation Day helps both Majors and AAA managers prepare for their respective drafts.
- If an 11 is not drafted to Majors by a Majors manager, the AAA managers will then be prepared to draft that 11. Please note that 'requesting Majors' does not affect or guarantee placement in Majors.
- If an 11 requests AAA but might be drafted up to Majors, the Player Agent will call the family before the Majors draft.
- For our 10s... Evaluation Day helps AAA managers prepare for the AAA draft.
- Please note that it is extremely rare for a 10 to be drafted to Majors. The Player Agent and President determine when this may occur, based on their years of experience with evaluating players.
- For our 9s... Evaluation Day helps AAA managers prepare for the AAA draft and the Player Agent prepare to create the AA teams.
- If an 9 is not drafted to AAA by a AAA manager, the Player Agent will place the 9 on a balanced AA team. Please note that 'requesting AAA' does not affect or guarantee placement in AAA.
- If an 9 requests AA but might be drafted up to AAA, the Player Agent will call the family before the AAA draft.
- For our 8s... Evaluation Day helps us ensure that we have parity across teams in AA.
- Please note that it is extremely rare for an 8 to be drafted to AAA. The Player Agent and President determine when this may occur, based on their years of experience with evaluating players.
Please refer to charts below for our guidelines for placing players. Exceptions are extremely rare, and they are only made based on the judgment of the Player Agents and the President.
I do not want my LL 9 going to AAA or my LL 8 going to AA. Do I need to attend Evaluation Day?
Yes! The Player Agents need to make balanced teams to ensure that each division is a competitive experience. This ensures better player development and, more importantly, more fun games!
Why did you collect friend requests if they are not considered in AA, AAA, and Majors?
There is no way for us to hide that field for some divisions but not others.
How can I participate in an equipment swap before buying new gear?
Our equipment swap is scheduled for that day. You will see a red tent with tables. Please feel free to bring your lightly used baseball equipment (bats and gloves), lightly used cleats and outgrown baseball pants. Please do not bring hats or anything else not mentioned above.
If my child may not end up in the division I requested, why did you collect that information?
It is helpful to know where you'd like your child to be placed. We make the decision based on the development of your child, our efforts to align with other Little Leagues, and safety concerns.
Thank you for your support as we prepare for a terrific season!