REGISTRATION for Spring 2025 is OPEN

Dear Willow Glen Little League Community,

We are excited to announce that Spring 2025 Registration is NOW OPEN! Before you register at the bottom of this page, please review the following updates.

New Platform: We have migrated to a new registration platform, Sports Connect, per a requirement from Little League International (LLI). We are excited with the new platform, but should you have any questions while registering do not hesitate to reach out to

2025 Fees: We seek to keep our fees down while adapting to rising costs for our fields. Our 2025 budget is based on the following fees.

  • Tee Ball: $250
  • Coach Toss: $250
  • A Machine Pitch: $350
  • AA: $375
  • AAA: $400
  • Majors: $425
  • Juniors: $425

When determining the proper division for your ballplayer, refer to the our guide or see the images below.

Scholarships Available: We want Little League baseball to be accessible all! Should you need a scholarship, please send an email to All requests are kept confidential.

Challenger Program Restarting!: We are excited to announce that restarting our Challenger Division, Little League’s adaptive baseball program for individuals with physical and intellectual challenges. To register, please do so at our registration link. A few important notes:

  • You only need to upload a birth certificate. Please ignore the request for residency or school forms.
  • Please select the Challenger option if you are given a choice. See attached screenshot.
  • If the form says your child is too old, please e-mail directly. We have a workaround as we are getting used to a new registration platform.

Early Bird Discount: We are running a $50 off Early Bird discount through November 30th. Take advantage of it while it lasts! UPDATE: This is now closed.

New Regulation from Little League International (LLI): Starting with the 2025 season, children at the youngest level of the Little League® Baseball and Softball program (LLI defined “youngest level” as Little League Ages 4-7 or being born between September 2017 - August 2021; use the LL Age Calculator to look up your child’s LL age) will have the ability to register for any Little League program they choose, without respect to any geography- or school-related eligibility requirements. Please read more here about the change from Little League International.

The nine Little Leagues in District 12 (including Willow Glen Little League) recommend that children with Little League Ages 4-7 play in a league that is within the boundaries for Little League Ages 8-14, but we will follow the new rule. In other words, all players Little League Ages 4-7 may sign up for any Little League program they choose.

Key Dates for Spring 2025 (More to be added soon):

  • October 31- Registration Opens
  • November 30: Early Bird registration ends ($50 off regular registration fees)
  • December 15: Deadline for Interested Managers to Register as Volunteers (in SportsConnect as part of their child's registration)
  • January 15th: Majors, AAA and AA Registration Closes, Waitlist Option
  • January 25th: Evaluation Day for Majors, AAA, and AA players
  • February 2nd: A, Coach Toss & T Ball Registration Closes, Waitlist Option
  • March 1st: Opening Day!


Players will need:

  • USA Bat (Must have the 'USA' Logo); all other bats are ineligible
  • Glove
  • Helmet
  • Pants
  • Socks
  • Belt
  • Cup (for boys in AA and above)

WGLL provides the jersey and hat.

Families who request a fee scholarship also receive financial support for purchasing equipment.

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Confirming Eligibility FOR LITTLE LEAGUE AGES 8 and ABOVE

FOR LITTLE LEAGUE AGES 8 and ABOVE, There are three ways to be eligible for Willow Glen Little League.


Option 1: Eligibility Through Residence

Player must upload below documentation:

              • To qualify this way, you must live in our boundaries. Check here at the official Little League Finder!
              • You must upload one document from each of the three categories below.
              • IMPORTANT: The documentation must be dated between February 1,  2024 and January 31, 2025!


1. Driver’s License

2. School records

3. Vehicle records (i.e., registration, lease, etc.)

4. Employment records

5. Insurance documents


1. Welfare/child care records

2. Federal records (Federal Tax, Social Security, etc.)

3. State records

4. Local (municipal) records

5. Support payment records

6. Homeowner or tenant records

7. Military records


1. Voter’s Registration

2. Utility bills (i.e., gas, electric, water/ sewer, phone, mobile phone, heating, waste disposal)

3. Financial records (i.e. loan, credit, investments, etc.)

4. Medical records

5. Internet, cable, or satellite records

Option 2: Eligibility Through School

Player must upload School Waiver:

To qualify this way, your school must be within our boundaries. Check here at the official Little League Finder!

Please ask your principal to sign this form. Completion of this form is only required ONCE during a participant’s career. You may upload the same form every year, as long as your child does not change schools. If your child moves to a school outside of our boundaries,  a II(d) waiver would then be required (see option 3).

Qualifying Schools

1. Willow Glen Elementary

2. River Glen Elementary

3. Valley Christian Elementary

4. Gardner Elementary

5. Other Qualifying School Address - check here

Option 3: Eligibility through waiver

Player must upload ii(d) or ii(a) waiver:

This waiver allows a player to continue participating if they have legally participated in the league in the past and no longer qualify to participate under residency or school enrollment due to moving, changing schools, or a change in the league’s boundaries. Additionally, it allows the sibling of a player participating in a Little League program as a result of school attendance, to also participate in the same league for the duration of his/her Little League eligibility. A Regulation II(d) waiver form does not need to be submitted to the Regional Office or the Charter Committee. Please upload it here, and it will then be signed by the League President and District Administrator. The president or player agent may reach out to you to confirm that you have paperwork of your previous home/school address.