Team Parent Responsibilities

  • Team Communication via TeamSnap - Assist manager with TeamSnap scheduling and all team communications.
  • CPR- First aid and CPR certification for managers, coaches, team parents and board members sponsored by WGLL. Certification date 2/26/2022, time 7-9 am at the fields. Eligible volunteers will be sent a link to complete the online training course with a short in person skills checkoff for certification.
  • Picture Day - Pass out picture forms, help managers organize kids day-of, and pass out photos when pictures have been delivered for team dispursement.
  • Yearbook Candids (One per player) - Due date April 26th.
  • Snack Shack Team Schedule - Keep ontop of your teams days and times during your teams turn to run the snack shack.
  • Schedule Post-Game Snacks (optional)
  • End of Season Party - Follow county Covid guidelines (*Could do a virtual event, discuss with manager*) (Optional event)

*****Team Parent Meeting: Thursday February 24th 7pm, Virtual ******

Any additional questions regarding team parent responsibilities please connect with the team parent coordinator at